
Wang Dalin: UNHCR's Thailand office is murdering refugees (5) - committing chaos 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(五)—— 犯上作乱

The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (5) - committing chaos
       The UNHCR Thailand office also used the method of attacking the current emperor of Thailand to entice me to attack the current emperor of Thailand and achieve their purpose of murdering me. The attack on the current emperor of Thailand, although from a self-proclaimed name is Li Youming, aged 65, because of a stroke, now half of the brain of the male Chinese Thai people. But I think that the name he said is fake, the age is fake, and now half of the brain is fake. He is the staff of the "Thai Office". He attacks the current emperor of Thailand, which is the "Taiwan Office". People are premeditated to murder me. The following are the facts.
       On October 3, 2018, at No.30, Soi 98, Lat Phrao Road, Khet Wang Thong Lang, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand, when I spoke to Li Youming, he suddenly said: "The Thai people like five most. The Emperor and the Nine Kings, the current Emperor people do not like it." I immediately stopped him from saying, "You don't want to say this." He said: "We don't care." I said: "The Emperor in Thailand is heaven, not respecting the emperor. There is no place for people in Thailand. Thailand has no president, the emperor is the president, and Ba Yu is the prime minister. The emperor is in charge of the most important thing in the country. The prime minister has little things. I saw in the Star Siam Daily that there are in Thailand. A mother of two children published two articles on the Internet that attacked members of the Thai royal family. One article was sentenced to 60 years, two articles were sentenced to 120 years in prison, and finally pleaded guilty to a 60-year sentence. It is still life imprisonment. You committed, and also arrested you." I warned him and left.
       Another female Chinese-American who is by my side and controlled by the “Taiwan Office” also used the method of disrespecting the Thai emperor, which hurt me very insidiously. I have experienced this kind of thing twice by myself. There are many refugees in Thailand. It is very likely that the “Thai Office” has attacked the Thai emperor many times in this way.
       I believe that the "Thai Office" gang has personally accepted huge bribes from the evil forces such as the CCP, but deceived, bought, and manipulated a large number of Thai people to persecute refugees in violation of the law (see the first four articles of the United Nations refugees I wrote). The Thai Office’s article on the murder of refugees has seriously disrupted the Thai order and seriously damaged the image of Thailand. Although I applied to the "Thai Office" for US political asylum, if the "Thai Office" canceled my refugee status, I was sent back to China, relying on my "World Datong - Building a Party Call" In the content of the article, the CCP will sentence me to more than ten years of heavy punishment. However, eradicating the evil forces of the "Thai Office" is beneficial to Thailand. I am also going to expose their crimes because I am very passionate about the Thai emperor! Very passionate about the Thai people!
                                                                                     Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                     Written in Bangkok, Thailand on January 29, 2019
        The above article uses the network software to translate the following is the original text.

联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(五)—— 犯上作乱
       2018年10月3日,在 No.30, Soi 98, Lat Phrao Road, Khet Wang Thong Lang, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand,我在跟李有明说话时,他突然说:“泰国人民最喜欢的是五世皇和九世皇,现在的皇帝人民不喜欢。”我立即阻止他说:“你不要这样说。”他说:“我们说不要紧。”我说:“在泰国皇上就是天,不尊敬皇上的人在泰国就没有立足之地。泰国没有总统,皇上就是总统,巴育是总理,皇上管国家最重大的事情,总理管小一些的事情。我在星暹日报上看到,在泰国有一个两个孩子的母亲,在互联网上发表了两篇攻击泰国皇室成员的文章,一篇文章判60年,两篇文章判120年徒刑,最后承认有罪,改判60年徒刑,还是等于是无期徒刑。你犯上,同样把你抓起来。”我警告他后就走了。

UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees (6) - Report
       In recent months, I have collected more than 1900 e-mail addresses from the Thai Royal Police, the Thai Prime Minister’s Office, the Thai Supreme Court, the Thai Procuratorate, the Thai Ministry of Justice, and the Thai Media House. I sent the first five articles I wrote. The article "The UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees" reveals the long-standing crimes of persecution of refugees by the UNHCR Thailand Office in Thailand.
       However, the "Thai Office" not only illegally intercepted these complaints mails sent by me for a long time, but also continued to use many big dogs to bite me, deliberately damaging me for rabies for a long time; continue to buy many stalls that I often go to eat for a long time. Lord, deliberately spread the disease to me for a long time; continue to buy many patients deliberately for more than 4 years and spread the disease to me for a long time; continue to buy more people every day for more than 4 years, coughing and sneezing, deliberately and mentally hurt me for a long time; continue I have been buying and selling people around me for a long time, and I have been buying people around me for a long time. I don’t talk to me for a long time. I will transfer away many people who have talked to me for a long time, then I will not talk to people, and it is not normal for me to speak alone; I continued to buy more than 10 people every day for a few years, coughing, blowing my nose, sneezing, and sometimes buying more than 30 people a day to cough, deliberately and mentally hurt me for a long time; and so on.
       At 11:15 pm on March 28, 2019, I went home after surfing the Internet at the Internet cafe. When I walked to the green fountain at the 85th lane of Lat Phrao Road to Lane 87 of Lat Phrao Road, a black car ran across the sidewalk. I bypassed the car, and a big black dog behind the car got up and attacked me. At this time, another big brown dog rushed from behind the black car. Two big dogs attacked me fiercely. I quickly took off my shoulder bag and kept waving around to avoid being bitten by the dog. I kicked back and retreated. After I opened a distance, I saw a stone on the side of the road. I picked up a big rock and leaned at the dog. But did not dare to force, because behind the dog is a black car, the security guard working here has been standing near the black car, the dog bite me regardless, then he pointed at the car yelling at me. The next day I went to the leader of their unit to reflect the dog biting me, and inadvertently came to the two big dogs that bite me. At this time, these two big dogs did not have a slight attack on me. The person who knows this is already aware of the truth.
       "Thai Office" carefully designed the dog to bite my murder plan, they put the black car in the dog's house on the sidewalk I want to pass, the dog owner is hidden in the black car, the dog guardian, the guardian's small The car will attack the stranger who is approaching the car, but this does not guarantee that the dog will bite me, because the dog will call when I have not approached the car, so the "Thai Office" wants the dog owner. Hiding the big black dog behind the black car is not allowed to bark and run. When I approach the car, the dog owner gets into the car, and another dog owner hides the big brown dog in the black car. Not allowed to bark and run, I bypassed the big black dog attacking me, and asked another dog owner to push the brown big dog out of the car. At this time, I was closest to the car and the owner of the dog. Only the big dog will bite me the most fierce. “Thai Office” used this similar method to attack me with big dogs countless times!
       Attachment: I wrote the first five articles of the UNHCR Thailand Office in Murdering Refugees, and reported it again!
       The Royal Thai Police, the Thai Prime Minister’s Office, the Thai Supreme Court, the Thai Procuratorate, and the Thai Ministry of Justice.
                                                                                                      Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                                      Written in Bangkok, Thailand on May 25, 2019
       The above article uses the network software to translate the following is the original text.      
联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(六)—— 报案
       2019年3月28日晚上11点15分,我在网吧上网后回家,走到 Lat Phrao 路85巷至 Lat Phrao 路87巷之间的绿色喷水池处时,一辆黑色小汽车横在人行道上,我绕过小汽车,趴在小汽车后面的一只大黑狗起身攻击我,就在此时另一只棕色大狗从黑色小汽车后面猛冲过来,两只大狗对我进行猛烈攻击,我迅速取下肩上挎的挎包,不停的左右挥舞避免被狗咬到,我边打边退,退开一段距离后我看到路边有石头,我捡起一块大石头砸向狗,但没敢用力,因为狗身后就是黑色小汽车,在这里工作的保安一直就站在黑色小汽车附近,狗咬我他不管,这时却指着小汽车对着我大叫。第二天我去找他们单位的领导反映狗咬我的事情,无意中走到了这两只咬我的大狗身边,这时这两只大狗丝毫没有一丁点攻击我的举动。写到这里明眼人已经知道事实真相了。

UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees (4) - Proof of Calls Not Called
       The principle of press release: "We can't publish unconfirmed news. The news must have more than two sources." I only got through this proof call, and the media can only write three copies of the UNHCR Thailand Office. The article on the murder of refugees was published.
       I used my mobile phone, the coin-operated phone around me, and repeatedly (on the surface) hit the phone through the foreign media such as Voice of America, and read the certificate, but then I did not see these media published what I wrote. These three articles have not received a reply from these media. I have called many times in areas far away from home, but wherever I go, the coin-operated telephones in these areas are all unable to make international calls. I think it is definitely the UNHCR's Thailand office, which buys the Thai telecommunications company. When I know that I want to fight, I have to turn around and transfer to the place where they specialize in making false calls to foreign media (there are several women specializing in They made scams here, and they didn’t have time to turn around. They sealed the long distance of coin-operated calls in these areas.
       The "Thai Office" sent a large number of people to follow up and monitor me. I have been "stubborn" in Thailand for almost five years, and I have never lost their track. “Thai Office” announced on their website that they have more than 100 employees and six offices in Thailand. I think that lying is their nature. The real number of "Thai Offices" should be two zeros after the number of people they announced, that is, at least 10,000 people. Not only are the wages they control every month astronomy. The figures, the social funds they control each month, the examination funds for the refugees are all astronomical, and there is almost no thing they can do in Thailand.
       "Taiwan Office" has been a bad thing for me for a long time. In the past year or so, the "Thai Office" bought an average of more than 10 people every day to cough for me. Sometimes I bought more than 30 people to cough for me. I am already being beaten by them. Crazy. According to the long-term sinister and murderous murder of the "Thai Office", the more I report to the UN and the UNHCR, the more vicious the murder of the "Thai Office" is definitely the main "Taiwan Office". The responsible persons were all bought by the CCP. This group of people must have murdered many refugees and bloody debts. I think this is absolutely true. Never let them continue to do nothing! Never let them go!
        "Everything must be justified. Law is the biggest reason in the country. It is like you. It is like you. What do you think is how to do it? He thinks how to do it. I think how to do it. The country, this society is in a mess." This sentence is what I said when I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, and the two security guards who were illegally detaining me. I said this in Thailand today is also a subversive truth. The “Thai Office” is a banner for the qualification of refugees. It is lawless in Thailand. The large amount of illegal and criminal activities committed by the “Taiwan Office” is only under the leadership of the “Taiwan Office”. Thailand’s handling of the law will severely punish these responsible persons in accordance with the law, in order to curb the spread of illegal activities in Thailand and make Thailand move healthier and forward.
       I will announce my address, mobile number and three e-mail addresses in Bangkok, Thailand. After I announced my address, the “Thai Office” may buy the landlord to drive me away. I will wait for the media to interview on the street. My mobile phone number and three e-mails have been published before, but I have not received a letter from the media. I think it is definitely the “Thai Office” to buy the branch of Gu Ge in Thailand and delete the media in my mailbox. I wrote a letter to buy a Thai telecommunications company and intercepted my long-distance calls.
       Address: Room No.206, No.45, Soi 98, Lat Phrao Road, Khet Wang Thong Lang, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand (A Big C opposite the 98 Lane, a seven-storey shopping mall, I am in the daily Shopping in the mall to watch TV and so on. One day.) Mobile number: 0937132131 (00-66-937132131), e-mail: mmabchab@gmail.commmabczab@gmail.comigdpssh1@gmail.com  
       Attachment: A call to the media (in the case of the Voice of America).
                                                                                               Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                                  Written in Bangkok, Thailand on August 18, 2018

Call to the Voice of America:
      My name is Wang Dalin. On the Internet, I can still listen to the interview with Radio Free Asia on the Internet. The voice of my speech can prove that I am Wang Dalin. I am now in Thailand, applying to the UNHCR's Thailand office for five years to go to the US for political asylum. Not only can I not go to US political asylum, but I have also been sinisterly viciously murdered by the UNHCR Thailand office.
       I wrote and sent you and three articles published on the Internet: The first article was titled "The UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees", which has three subheadings: The crowd, the "crazy puppy", "the vicious trick". The title of the second article is "The UNHCR Thailand Office is murdering refugees (2) - I love the people of the world very much", which wrote my mobile number: 0937132131 (this mobile number is my service at UNHCR Thailand) Registered my mobile number). The title of the third article is "The UNHCR Thailand Office is murdering refugees (3) - the last madness."
       All the contents of the three articles I wrote are facts. I applied to the UNHCR Thailand office that murdered me for US political asylum. If the contents of the three articles I wrote are not true, they will Will cancel my refugee status. I am very much looking forward to the "Voice of America" to publish the three articles I wrote! I very much hope that more media can lend a helping hand to report on this matter! Thank you!
                                                                                                       Wang Dalin
                                                                                                    Called in Bangkok, Thailand on August 18, 2018
       The above article is translated by the network software. The following is the original text.

       新闻发布原则:“不能发布未经证实的新闻,发布的新闻必须有两个以上的渠道来源 。”我只有打通了这个证明电话,媒体才可能将我写的三篇《联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民》的文章刊登出来。
       住址:Room No.206,No.45,Soi 98,Lat Phrao Road,Khet Wang Thong Lang,Bangkok,10310,Thailand (在98巷对面有一家Big C,七层楼高的大商场,我每天都在商场里吃饭看电视等等度过一天。)手机号码:0937132131(00-66-937132131),电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com;mmabczab@gmail.com;igdpssh1@gmail.com


The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (3) - the last madness
       At 8 am on May 14th, 2018, Thailand time, I used my mobile phone in Thailand to open my own voice message. I will dial 0091-202-205-9942 (international long-distance calls in Thailand, before the country code, the phone will add 9, the phone will add 8), after listening to the music, then dial 16, I heard the male voice Say: "Welcome your message, please let us know your last name and address. If you like, please leave an email address or phone number. Ok, please leave a message after the signal." After reading the signal, I read: "Calling a call to the Voice of America...".
       But until now, I have not seen the Voice of America published two articles in the "UNHCR Thailand Office murdering refugees" that I wrote, and I have not received a reply from the Voice of America. I think it is definitely the UNHCR Thailand office that bought the Thai telecommunications company and created a false barrier and scam that opened the voice of the Voice of America.
       I estimate that there are at least 40 people in the UNHCR Thailand office every day who are murdering me in the name of monitoring and reviewing me.
                                                                Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                    Written in Bangkok, Thailand on May 25, 2018
       The above article is translated by the network software. The following is the original text.


The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (2) - I am very passionate about the people of the world
      "I am very passionate about the people of the world. I also very much hope to get the love of the people of the world. The CCP exercises the feudal dictatorship within the country, deprives the people of their basic human rights, and blames the country and the people. It supports the DPRK, a country like the CCP that is anti-democratic and anti-human civilization. It is an evil force against humanity, overthrowing the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, establishing a new China with democracy and freedom, is the best expression of my love for the people of the world..." This sentence not only expresses my heart, but also I am What the UNHCR Thailand office said during the interview.
      However, I have been sinister and viciously murdered by the “Thai Office”. I am very much looking forward to the media to report on my experience, send my mobile phone number and three e-mail addresses: mobile number: 0937132131 (00-66-937132131) ), e-mail: mmabchab@gmail.commmabczab@gmail.comigdpssh1@gmail.com
      I entered "Dynamic Web" and can enter many websites provided by "Dynamic Web", that is, I can't enter the "Voice of America" and "Google" websites. A little bit of "Voice of America" will be black screen. It is definitely "Thai Office". Stop me from entering the Voice of America website.
      The phone that my mother called from China not only showed the Thai phone number on my mobile phone, but the speed of the sound transmission was very slow and unclear. The telecommunications company sent me a mobile phone to pay a text message, "Thai Office" can be deleted remotely with me. “Thai Office” not only controls my mobile phone, eavesdropping on my phone, but also installs remote control components on my mobile phone. I did not open the mobile phone camera. “Taiwan Office” can remotely open my mobile phone camera system.
      I think that the purpose of installing this component in the "Thai Office" is to arrange a short skirt to sit in front of my mobile phone camera when I use my mobile phone, or to arrange a beautiful woman standing in front of my mobile phone camera, and then remote control. Open my mobile phone camera system, as long as my mobile phone photographs the woman's private office, the "Thai Office" will cancel my refugee status on the grounds of my character's corruption, and its behavior is sinister and vicious to the extreme.
      "Thai Office" not only installs the secret software on the Internet cafe computer I am surfing, but also installs the monitoring program for each extension on the Internet. I think that it must have been the "Thai Office" to delete all the e-mails in my mailbox that are not good for me, but all the e-mails that the media contacted. The three e-mail boxes I provided above, the first two, now I have used the soft keyboard to chaos the passwords in order. I wonder if I can prevent the "Thai Office" from stealing. If the media still can't contact me, it is definitely " Thai Office" obstructed!
      I have been in Thailand for more than four years, and I have only met six Chinese “Shen Difficulty” in front of the “Thai Office”: the two people can definitely be “Thai Office” according to their behavior. Dressed up by people. The two are Falun Gong practitioners. On January 15th, 2015, I went to the “Thai Office” for a letter of protection. I met a Chinese democrat who wrote “Do not forget human rights” in English on a brand of nearly one square meter. At the door of the "Thai Office", he is already crazy.
      On November 1, 2017, I went to the "Thai Office" for a refugee card. I met Li Guowen, male, 43 years old, at the UNHCR number: 17488, mobile number: 0923200927 (I wrote his mobile phone After the number, the "Thai Office" will definitely seal his mobile phone number. I think that I wrote the truth. This is the most important thing. He is already crazy and is facing in front of the "Thai Office". The Thai Office kept talking. The contents of the speech were: "You have hurt me to pay compensation"; "The dog bit me, someone took me to the hospital to see a doctor"; "The Chinese who live with me are dead", etc. .
      He said almost three hours in front of the "Thai Office". There is no such thing as Falun Gong. This person is very likely to be a Chinese democracy. The Chinese who live with him are also extremely It may be a Chinese democracy. Almost all of the Chinese who have "sinned" in Thailand know that it is much harder for Chinese democrats to "swear" than "Falungong." I believe that the CCP’s officials who bought the “Thai Office” mainly murdered Chinese democrats because the democrats were the main force in overthrowing the CCP’s dictatorship and establishing a democratic and free new China.
      The "Thai Office" is a banner for the qualification of refugees. Not only does it directly kill the refugees, but there is no limit to deliberately doing things. For example, they used the UNHCR's large amount of money to buy more people on average every day for more than three years. With unbearable noise, I am noisy every day for more than a year. Everything in these two things can kill people.
      According to my personal experience of more than four years, I can be sure that the main methods of murdering refugees are: creating environment and events in an unnatural state, and then using the standards in the natural state to measure whether the behavior of the refugees is normal. For example, they hire a large number of so-called experts to see if my behavior is normal, but do not tell the experts what they do to me, affecting all of my behavior, so that experts will use the standard of the natural state to measure my behavior and get wrong. In conclusion, they persecuted me on the grounds that the experts said that I had problems.
      For another example: they are arranged in a large number of 18 years old, very beautiful, girls who are not married, do things in the men's toilet where I can't help, see my genitals, see my hands and so on.
      On June 2, 2016, the first article I wrote in the UNHCR Thailand Office on the Murder of Refugees was published. Not only on the way I go every day, I often have a lot of kebabs that have been chewed by dogs. Bamboo stick. On the way to the Internet cafe when I went to the Internet cafe, the “Thai Office” often used a big dog to bite me. And in the past six months, the “Thai Office” bought an average of more than 10 people every day to cough for me. Sometimes I bought more than 20 people a day to cough against me. I was fainted by their daily hair. I am very much looking forward to the media to lend a helping hand to the real report!
       Note: I have sent this letter to Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, Radio France International, Voice of Germany, BBC Radio, The Epoch Times, Voice of Hope Broadcasting Radio and other media, but I did not receive a letter from these media. I think it is absolutely "Taiwan Office" to intercept the phone call from the media, delete the e-mail sent to me by the media, and prevent the media from carrying me on me. Interview to understand the truth.
                                                                                         Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                           Written in Bangkok, Thailand on February 16, 2018
       The above article is translated by the network software. The following is the original text.


The UNHCR Thailand Office is murdering refugees (1) - vicious tricks
       When I was surfing the Internet at the Internet cafe, the “Thai Office” sent people around me to make noises, so this report was not finished at the time. After that, the “Taiwan Office” was installed in the Internet cafes around my residence to prevent me from playing. The Chinese word program, so the last time I sent a report that was not finished.
       After the report was issued, the “Thai Office” even bitterly used a dog to bite me, sent more people to cough on me, and installed secret software on my Internet cafe computer, which impeded me from publishing this report. . I asked the people of the world to help me publish this report in 104 languages. This world is the world of the people. The decision of the people of the world is the final decision!
       All the people around me who are always in contact with me are all controlled by the “Taiwan Office”. Most of them have harmed me or have a fake mask under the control of “Taiwan Office”. I have completely lost people. The environment of natural interaction. That is how the "Thai Office" will also transfer the people I often talk to them, then tell me not to talk to people, and use their robber logic ("Thai Office" opened my house door and stole me. The money and mobile phone are the robbers) and the UNHCR’s large amount of money. In the past three years, thousands of people have been cheated and bought and coughed.
       I have exposed the current affairs of the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party and the current affairs of supporting the DPRK (see "World Datong - Call for the Founding of the Party"). The CCP is afraid that the world will know the truth and wants the world to think that I am a mad dog biting the CCP and sprinkling the CCP. I think it is absolutely the CCP’s official who bought the “Thai Office” to murder me!
       The UNHCR’s application for a hard copy clearly states that “the priority is to protect refugees who are fleeing persecution”. I am not only fleeing persecution, but also being persecuted. This time, I have been murdered four times by the CCP. However, I have been in Thailand for more than two and a half years. I am still not able to go to the United States to implement my great plan. Instead, I have been murdered by the UNHCR Thailand Office.
       As soon as I arrived in Thailand, I felt that some of the actions of the “Thai Office” were not correct. Therefore, I wrote a letter to you on April 8, 2014 to reflect the relevant issues. However, after reflecting the incident, the “Thai Office” murdered me. More and more and more and more serious. In the past two years, the "Thai Office" has been using the banner of qualification for refugees. The murder of me can not be said for three days and three nights. Here are three examples of killing people directly.
                                                                  1. Ignorant crowd
       I am alone in Thailand to apply for a hardship. Not only do I have no legal status, I can't work, my money is scarce, and I don't know Thai and English. It is not convenient to see a doctor when I am sick. It is very likely that a small illness will cause a serious illness and endanger life. From December 2014, the “Thai Office” actually instructed a large number of people to cough at me. When I sat down for dinner, I sent someone to sit next to me and coughed and sent people from me to walk past me. Coughing, sometimes seven or eight people cough at me one day, and even worse, they deliberately find someone with serious illnesses to spit on me to spread the disease.
       At 1 pm on June 7, 2015, in the restaurant near my residence, I just sat in the restaurant after dinner and saw a long, very fat person. At first glance, a fat man with serious illness walked by me. After a few minutes, the fat man turned back and coughed at me. I have a large number of people tracking and monitoring wherever I go. In the restaurant, the "Taiwan Office" has pinhole cameras and mobile phone cameras on the front and back of me for stealing and video recording. The video and audio are transmitted to four nearby laptops. Through computer video surveillance, my people saw me watching the fat man's expression and then informed the people present. The people present were playing the UNHCR signboard, and the two bought it with money. The fat man turned back and coughed at me. I experienced a lot of things that they commanded in this way.
       I was infected with the flu twice. It was very uncomfortable to have a little dizziness. However, they did not reduce their coughing behavior frequently. This group of people coughed me frequently. One cough is one year. More time, not only seriously damaged my health, but also seriously threatened my life.
                                                                   2, crazy puppy
      The staff of my work unit was bitten by a puppy. At that time, I went to the hospital to fight the rabies vaccine, but I still got rabies. When I was admitted to the hospital, the doctor said: "The rabies is a cardioversion. None of the people who came in had lived on the seventh day." The result really died on the seventh day.
      Dogs, especially when they are close to people, will kiss their legs and feet with their noses. The tongue will lick on the legs and legs. If there is a broken wound on your legs and feet, the saliva of the dog will enter the wound and you may get rabies.舔 nose). The weather in Thailand is very hot. I wear shorts all year round and wear herringbone foam bottoms barefoot. There are many reasons for the often broken wounds on my legs and feet. Once, when a puppy leaned close to me, I walked away. This shot was taken by the "Taiwan Office" who monitored me every day. They all thought that it was not normal for me to avoid the puppy. We There are stray dogs everywhere, but they suspect that these stray dogs don’t bite people, and they are looking for biting puppies.
      In the No. 5 room on the first floor of the dormitory building where I rented a house, I lived in a family. My mother is about 38 years old, my eldest daughter is about 17 years old, and my youngest daughter is about 12 years old. They are all very nice. At the beginning of 2015, the “Thai Office” used money to buy three mothers and daughters, and designed and arranged three mothers and daughters to lure me with their privacy.
      One day in October 2015, the “Thai Office” once again bought her mother and daughter, and arranged for the mother and daughter (little daughters) to hold the puppies they specially sought to bite, sitting on the steps in front of our dormitory building. On, I am going to take a cool ride and wait for me to come back. From the road into our dormitory, there is a one-meter-high step, and there are steps to the steps. I went home at night. Fortunately, I didn't go up the stairs when I walked slowly. Suddenly a dog rushed from my right side and bite, and rushed to the side of the ladder. Because of the hurdles on the steps, I was lucky not to be bitten. Afterwards, they wanted to know me. I showed them the mobile phone video of the dog biting. I also reminded them, "If a dog bites someone, people will get rabies."
      At 10 o'clock on the evening of March 2, 2016, the “Thai Office” arranged another three mothers and daughters, and took this biting puppy to sit on the steps in front of our dormitory building, waiting for me to come back. This time I came back from the outside and went up the steps. Suddenly a dog rushed from my right rear and made a kind of biting voice. I didn’t even look back, my right foot lifted up quickly, my The right foot feels the wind that the dog rushes to bite, and if I don't lift my right foot, I will be bitten. This time the dog was still holding the rope, but the rope was not only placed long, but also the 12-year-old daughter was held by a minor.
                                                                    3, vicious tricks
      Here we have a kebab made with bamboo sticks. The bamboo stick is 15 cm long and has a very pointed tip. Some people use this kebab to feed the dog. Some dogs eat this kebab. The whole is chewed in the mouth. Finally, the bamboo skewer that the meat has eaten and chewed is spit on the ground. Some dogs are on the bamboo stick. Eat, and finally left the meat with a complete bamboo stick on the ground. Regardless of which type of bamboo stick is covered with a large amount of dog saliva, if it is tied to this bamboo stick, it is likely to get rabies. The principle is the same as the dog's bite. The saliva enters the body.
      I wear bare-footed flip-flops all the year round. The bottom of the foam is very thin. If I step on it and hit it, it is likely to puncture the rabies. At 7:00 am on March 30th, 2016, near my residence, I stayed in front of the mall every morning and night. I found that there was a bamboo stick on the ground that was chewed by the dog, and I avoided this bamboo stick. . In the evening, this bamboo stick appeared on the ground in front of the mall. In the natural situation, this is absolutely impossible. After the mall opened at 9:00 am, there were thousands of people entering and leaving the day during the day. It is obviously "Taiwan Office". Everyone who monitors me every day took pictures of my bamboo sticks. They all thought that this kind of bamboo stick was not harmful to people. I avoided this kind of bamboo stick is not normal, so they deliberately put this stick in the evening. Placed on the ground in front of the mall.
      After a lot of days at about 7 am, I saw the kebab of the kebab on the ground in front of the mall. Some of them were obviously chewed by the dog. At 7 o'clock on the morning of April 5th, 2016, a 50-year-old man in front of the mall fed the kebabs with bamboo sticks to the dog. The bamboo sticks were deliberately dropped on the ground and still stared at me. . After an hour, I left the mall and walked on the small road home. I suddenly found a 15-cm long bamboo stick in front of my foot inserted obliquely in the expansion joint of the cement pavement. The very pointed one was lifted 7 cm above the road. , facing my feet. If I accidentally discovered this bamboo stick, this bamboo stick will be stuck in my feet.
      This bamboo stick is definitely deliberately inserted by the “Thai Office”. First, the time to insert the bamboo stick is precisely the time when the “Thai Office” deliberately dropped the dog’s saliva saliva in the place where I stayed. Second, the bamboo stick is inserted on the route I often take. Only the long-term surveillance of my talents knows that you can get me here. Thirdly, the direction in which the bamboo stick is tilted is perpendicular to the expansion joint of the cement pavement on a line where the pedestrian is walking, but the bamboo stick is not damaged. The other side of the bamboo stick is full of blood, but there is no dirt. Fourth, the "Thai Office" person walked behind me with a pinhole camera, stealing and stealing me was not afraid of this bamboo stick. When I walked to the bamboo stick, a 30-year-old woman walked behind me with a small bag. After I walked past the bamboo stick, I turned back and saw that she knew there was a bamboo stick on the ground and tripped the bamboo stick with her foot. The woman has been following Behind me, I walked into Room 206, where I rented a house. She walked into Room 205 next door to me. Room 205 is the only room separated from the wall where I rented a house. Many things indicate that the “Taiwan Office” has not only rented Room 205, but has been using the bugs to eavesdrop on my house and enter and exit Room 205. All are the people of the “Thai Office”.
      This blood-stained bamboo stick is not only deliberately inserted by the “Thai Office”, but also according to the time when the “Taiwan Office” deliberately dropped the dog’s saliva saliva in the place where I stayed, this The plan to insert the bamboo stick is not only a lot of people have participated, but the blood-stained bamboo stick is probably a bamboo stick with a dog saliva.
      After this incident, until now, I often see a lot of bamboo skewers on this hamstring. Some of them are obviously chewed by dogs. Sometimes I see dogs eating this kind of bamboo in the middle of the road. The kebabs that were signed, this has never happened before. At 8 o'clock on the morning of May 17, 2016, I went home after breakfast and was on the ladder in front of our dormitory. I suddenly found a 25-centimeter bamboo stick inserted obliquely on the ladder. The road is 15 cm high and is facing my foot. According to the "Thai Office" after 5 months, I used the biting dog to bite again. I sent a large number of people to my regular cough. One cough is more than a year. These bamboo sticks are definitely not only " The Thai Office is deliberately inserted, and the "Thai Office" will continue to insert such bamboo sticks on the way I am going.
      I think that the "Thai Office" has long been using the above methods to directly kill people, and it is to find an excuse to murder. Or the "Thai Office" has deliberately used this group of stupid to even the dog's saliva saliva to enter the human body, which will cause rabies. People who don't know about coughing and spreading diseases will use the method of directly using the above to kill the dead. Qualification is still in murder.
                                                                                                Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                                  Written in Bangkok, Thailand on June 2, 2016
       The above article is translated by the network software. The following is the original text.

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